The Black Madonna 26: White Aggression
“Vit Aggression” was a Swedish white power music group active during the late 80’s and 90’s. The members were affiliated with the Swedish branch of the Neo-Nazi organization “White Aryan Resistance” and they named their first album “Död åt Zog”, or “ Death to the Zionist Occupational Government”. Their sound is a mix between punk rock and heavy metal fairly typical for bands active on the white power scene
In 1998 Vit Aggression played at the Brottby Neo-Nazi rock concert. Riot police ended up storming the concert and arresting 250 participants, most for hate speech and for doing Nazi salutes.
Earlier, in 1991, they played at an event organized by the Sweden Democrats, a Swedish far right party with roots in Neo-Nazism, after a demonstration they held at the statue of Charles XII in Stockholm. Today the Sweden Democrats are Sweden’s third largest political party, with opinion polls for a time showing them to be the second largest.
Germanische Gemeinschaft Headquarters on Lychener straße.